Lemax Community
About Us

Downloads & Links

Download our PDF Catalog, along with MP3 sound tracks, desktop wallpaper and links to other 3rd party sites.

Enhance your village or add to your holiday decorations these free Halloween and Christmas MP3 sound effect files.  Each sound effects file was generated by our Lemax Sound Effects team and offers collectors a unique and fun way to enrich their village decorations.

Lemax offers specific copyrighted MP3 sound effects for Halloween and Christmas. Great for collectors and enthusiast to use for enhancing their village or brighten their Christmas or Halloween decorations.

Free Halloween Desktop Wallpaper

Lemax Halloween Desktop Wallpaper

Free Holiday Desktop Wallpaper

Lemax Halloween Desktop Wallpaper

How to Download

To download,right click on the image above and select "Save Link as.." and save this to your computer (remember where you saved it.)

For Microsoft Windows

For most Windows users, once you have downloaded it to your computer, you can right click on the image and select "Set as desktop background". Set Background Desktop

For additional assistance, please visit the Microsoft Support site at https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17144/windows-10-change-desktop-background

For Apple User

  1. Choose Apple menu --> System Preferences.
  2. Click Desktop & Screen Saver.
  3. From the Desktop pane, select a folder of images on the left, then click an image on the right to change your desktop picture.

For additional assistance, please visit the Apple Support site at https://support.apple.com/en-lamr/HT207703